All-Party Parliamentary Group for Responsible Vaping reconstituted with inquiry launched into role of vaping and government’s proposed regulations

Call for evidence opens as the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Responsible Vaping examines government proposals for vape regulation and gathers evidence on the state of vaping across the UK in new inquiry.

Parliamentarians from across the political spectrum have come together to reconstitute the cross-party group on vaping. The APPG for Responsible Vaping will continue to provide a voice on vaping issues within Parliament and has launched an inquiry on the role of vaping in the UK.

The inquiry, taking place over the next two months, will gather evidence and insights from experts in a wide range of respective fields as the Group focuses on sector responsibilities in addressing the key issues associated with vaping. A variety of topics will be discussed, including the public health benefits, environmental and economic impact, along with the proposed government legislative measures, including flavours, packaging, display, excise and a ban on certain vaping products.

The inquiry findings will form a report and feature thematic analysis of the government’s proposed measures to better regulate the vape sector, including the introduction of a new vape tax from 2026, potential restrictions on flavours and a ban on disposable devices. The report will also put forward practical and legislative suggestions around vaping.

The APPG seeks to understand and highlight best practices within the sector to support adults in quitting smoking as well as addressing key issues, such as stopping children from accessing vapes, protecting the environment and tackling illicit vape trade. The APPG will play a role in identifying and encouraging industry-led improvement.

The APPG has elected Mary Glindon (MP for Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend) as Chair. The following Officers were also elected: Euan Stainbank (MP for Falkirk), The Rt Hon Lord Naseby and The Rt Hon Lord Brady of Altrincham. The reconstituted group is supported by the Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA).

Millions of adults have quit smoking due to switching to vaping. Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics show that UK smoking prevalence is under 12%, an all-time low (1). If substantially safer alternatives are allowed to continue to be used as a tool to kick cigarettes, smoking, along with the associated cancers and heart diseases it causes, will continue to decline as well.

Data from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) shows that vapes have been the most popular aid to quitting among those who have successfully stopped smoking in the last 5 years (2). Findings also show that 50% of adult smokers now believe vaping is as or more harmful than smoking, a figure that has risen by 56% in just two years (3).  The same data also reflects the importance of flavours to adult smokers and ex-smokers, as 47% use fruit, compared to only 16% that use tobacco flavour.ENDS

A study published by Brunel University in August 2023 found that the NHS would save more than £500m a year if half of England’s adult smokers vaped instead. And clearly, savings would be greater if applied in the rest of the UK.

Chair of the APPG for Responsible Vaping, Mary Glindon MP said:

“The APPG for Responsible Vaping has acted as a focal point for vaping issues within Parliament and I am delighted that the Group has been reconstituted with cross-party support. I would encourage everyone with an interest in vaping to respond to the call for evidence that the APPG is launching today on the role of vaping and the government’s proposed regulations.

“Bringing together experts from a range of respective fields, to address the key issues associated with vaping, is crucial and we urge the Government to work closely with the APPG over the coming months to ensure that the regime we end up with is fair and balanced, without risking the many benefits that vaping can bring.

“I look forward to seeing the inquiry findings, particularly in encouraging industry-led improvement and putting forward practical and legislative suggestions ahead of the upcoming Tobacco and Vapes Bill.”

  1. Smoking profile: October 2024 update – GOV.UK (

