• Millions of smokers have quit due to switching to vaping but there are still more than 6 million UK smokers. A study published by Brunel University in August 2023 found that the NHS would save more than £500m a year if half of England’s adult smokers vaped instead , clearly savings would be greater if applied in the rest of the UK.
  • Public Health England concluded that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking, but nearly half the population (44.8% don’t realise e-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking.
  • On current trends vaping is set to become more common than smoking is already estimated to contribute to about 50,000 to 70,000 additional smoking quits in England.
  • The Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) research showed that 46% of smokers and 37% ex-smokers in the UK have used vaping as a tool to kick cigarettes, and a substantial 72% of ex-smokers (quit in the past 5 years) stating that single use vapes helped achieve a smoke-free life.
  • IBVTA research found that of those that vape, 41% used fruit flavours, and 8% used other flavours such as cola and vanilla most often. This represents almost half of all those who vape. 59% report that having a range of flavours helps them to reduce their smoking or from going back to smoking